Earn up to
per referral
Refer your friends today and receive RM10 credited to your wallet!
Spend minimum RM30 on Kelokal
Share your referral URL, get your friend to register and spend RM30 on Kelokal
Terms and conditions apply. For more info, please refer to kelokal.com/referralterms.
Here are some common questions about refer a friend with Kelokal
How and when will I receive my reward?
The eligible referrer is entitled to receive RM10 in their Kelokal Wallet for each successful referral of a new referee who has registered and has purchased a minimum of RM30 from Kelokal.
Do any of the rewards expire?
No, the rewards credited into your account remain and have no expiration date.
What if my referral forgets to use my referral link?
There is no way to track the reward back to your account.
How do I know when I've successfully referred someone?
You can check the status of the referring visiting, signups and your total earning statistics on the Account page > Refer.